Each quarter, Stoic leaders from around the world share updates from their local Stoicism communities.
We have been gaining momentum and focusing on reinvigorating the group to participate more. We are currently holding Virtual meetings on the third Monday of the Month with predetermined topics. Our meetings are being held Via google meet but looking to move to zoom soon. Our topics recently have been around the 4 stoic virtues, love and Stoicism, and stoicism in modern media. We have an average of 10 attendees and 20-30 RSVPs. About half of the attendees are regulars. Find out more here. We are planning on starting a book club, this newsletter will be very helpful in being able see how other Stoas have tackled this endeavor. Thank you all.
We’ve had our first two meetups! Small group but we’re planning to host them monthly and maybe more if we get any interesting events popping up locally that we’d like to attend together.
The Frankfurt Stoics start meeting again in person on a monthly basis to connect with fellow Stoics and discuss. Check out Meetup for more information.
Our small Midwest trio, with members in and around Kansas City, including the local university town, Lawrence, shared things they liked at their latest Google Meet (sayings in a Stoic calendar, the now-defunct-but-still-available-and-awesome podcast Good Fortune, and some excellent quotes by Marcus on the inevitability of change). Steeling ourselves for another month of uncertainty, we loved this particular translated quote of the Stoic Emperor's: "Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with the same weapons of reason which today arm you against the present." Wishing you all good fortune, but even more, a mind clear on what is and is not in your control this month ...
London Stoics held 4 in-person events since February on Seneca's first and second Letters from a Stoic. Each session we explore a letter in which Seneca shines a light on the ideals of Stoicism. Check out our future events: https://www.meetup.com/London-Stoic/
The L.A. Stoics continue to meet twice a month—every second Saturday at 9am in-person (and sometimes online) and every fourth Tuesday at 6pm online. The Saturday morning meetings are currently centered around Epictetus' Discourses. The Tuesday evening meetings are currently centered around Lawrence Becker's A New Stoicism (Revised Ed.) Check out our website for meeting information. Email Justin if you have questions or would like to join the "Los Angeles Stoics" Discord server—all are welcome.
The group is still hosting events once a month (online for the time being), we are continuing our series of reading Seneca’s Moral Letters to Lucilius and organising special sessions to discuss Stoicism in relation to how we interact with technology (Stoic Lens events). All are welcome to join the group, which can be found here.
We continue to hold online meeting sessions, open to Stoics worldwide.. These include weekly Sunday morning sessions led by Dan Hayes, in which they are working through Seneca’s Letters, and a monthly meeting on the last Thursday of the month, led by Greg Sadler, examining the summary of Stoic doctrine found in Diogenes’ Laertes Life of Zeno. We are currently looking for a place to begin holding in-person meetings again within the greater Milwaukee area. In addition, Greg Sadler and Andi Sciacca (along with Harald Kavli) have taken on the task again of organizing the main STOICON conference, and Greg Sadler has been hosting “Stoic Sunday” events in his main YouTube channel.
We’re entering our 4th year of weekly meetings with our core group. Thanks to the generosity of one of our member’s employer, we are able to meet in his place of business in person downtown Monterey every Sunday morning. (Too early for Beer, I’m afraid.) Currently, we’re working our way through the Enchiridion, and use Dr. Greg Sadler’s YouTube videos to supplement our study. We continue to gather together for monthly beach clean-ups while wearing brightly colored vests and “Monterey Stoics” proudly showing on the fronts. We also attract a few interested folks from the Meet-Up app.
The Munich Stoics meet regularly every 2 Saturdays in a café in central Munich. Until now, we had 6 Stoas (all in person, via MeetUp platform), with 32 total participants, many of them recurrent. We freely discuss stoic topics, without a predetermined topic. The Facebook group now counts 26 members, and the “Files” section contains many texts, videos, documents. Feel free to join our community here.
The Nashville Stoics are continuing to meet in person twice a month at a local beer garden, once for our practice group and once for our general meet-up about theory. In March we were fortunate enough to have the scholar Dr. Leonidas Konstantakos (co-author of Being Better: Stoicism For a World Worth Living In) host a meeting and discuss the philosophy in depth.
Our women's philosophers Cafe has turned out to be our most popular event. We still maintain our regular events hosting in-person meetings, conducting meditation sessions and running our practice class. However the women's philosophers Cafe has become something of a sanctuary for many of the women in the region in our group who seek counsel and comfort and guidance through the use of stoic philosophy and in such a way that they don't feel that they have to keep something themselves because there are men in the room. We have had a lot of positive feedback. Coming this July we are hosting our first meeting on Spectacle Island in Boston. This is a meeting that we had planned just prior to the covid outbreak so it's been 2 years in the making. Spectacle island is part of the national Park service and it is a half hour ferry ride into Boston harbor while still considered part of the city itself. The island is an escape from city life and it was designed in its current form to be a park. We are very excited for this event and hope that it works out well.
Massimo Pigliucci is hosting an intense workshop on Seneca in Corsica, France, on 6/23. Meanwhile, on 4/21, we’ll be doing one of our regular Philosophy as a Way of Life podcasts with co-host Rob Colter and guest John Sellars, talking about Epicureanism. And check out our online intensive seminar on Epictetus, on 6/11 and 12.
Greg Lopez and Massimo Pigliucci are co-hosting Stoic Camp NY 2022 August 5-7 in Stony Point, NY. There are still a few single rooms left! For more information and to register, go to: https://www.meetup.com/New-York-City-Stoics/events/284691738/. Meanwhile, we’re still continuing our year-long exploration of the philosophies that influenced Stoicism. The meetings are held online, so you can attend even if you’re not in New York City! For more information, check out New York City Stoics.
The Norway Stoics is active, and consists of the Trondheim Stoics, Oslo Stoics, and Stavanger Stoics. Currently, the main focus for the group is on organizing a Stoicon-X event for the fall. Last year, we held a digital event but this year there we are leaning towards a physical event. Other than that, we are considering other events however since this is a nationwide group we believe limiting ourselves to one or two major events per year is a good goal!
The Okanagan Stoics are changing how we organize ourselves. We are moving from Meetup to Google Groups. We are looking forward to in-person meetings starting soon.
We’re still growing strong! Our group is 7 years old, 800 events, and nearly 1900 members. We meet 3-4 times a week with different topics each time. In terms of service (and cosmopolitanism), members are participating in dialogues on Stoicism and related topics (this leads each meeting). This process builds community because people see their friends presenting new topics.
Things are going well in Oslo. We have meetings about once a month or more, and we still do them via Zoom, even though the pandemic situation is pretty much over here for now. Our next meeting will be about the ethics of war and the plan is to read about ten paragraphs from Cicero’s On Duties and see if we can figure out when a state is justified in going to war, and what kind of rules a state is obliged to follow while waging a war. The attendance is pretty stable, about 4-10 every meeting, and mostly closer to 4 than to 10.
We continue to keep contact online, but are looking at resuming physical meetings once per month. We are reaching out to potential Stoics elsewhere in Southern Africa and hope to either see more Stoas being established, or at least to be of some support to individuals interested in Stoicism. We are participating in the 1 000 Acts of Service / Kindness campaign. To date we were involved in helping clear alien vegetation from a nature reserve. We have drawn up a bookmark with information on Stoicism and will be handing it out with a small gift attached on Marcus Aurelius’s birthday, to people who face challenges in life.
The San Antonio Stoics began meeting in February 2022 with three regular members and many more who have expressed interest. We meet in person every third Thursday of the month at a venue in downtown that accommodates organizations involved in arts/culture. Our group is reading through The Practicing Stoic by Ward Farnsworth, which is an excellent primer on the philosophy.
We are about 15 - 20 people (we work in two groups) who participate in the sessions of Stoa Linz/Austria. We meet ca. 6 to 8 times per year in our philosophical office.
Hi everyone, at Stoa Madrid we’ve had an exciting trimester. These are some of the activities we’ve done:
We have joined The Stoic Fellowship in the hard times of Ukranian history. It’s very symbolic for our community. Our first meeting is planned to be about the stress of war. If your group wants to send several words of encouragement, we’ll be glad to publish them for our group and all Ukrainians. Email [email protected].
We meet once a month, and our group is still small. However, the conversations are engaging and we’re in the middle of “On Anger” by Seneca.
We meet in person twice a month. The reading is at USF Panera on the north side of Tampa (one Friday a month). The walking meditation is across the bay bridge (one Sunday a month)..
At one of our monthly meetings we recently finished reading Being Better by Kai Whiting and Leonidas Konstantakos and are polling our membership regarding the next book they wish to read. At another monthly meeting we are still reading A Guide to the Good Life by William Irvine. We still hold monthly Introduction to Stoicism meetings. Our weekly practice group recently finished discussing The Inner Citadel by Pierre Hadot. In March, Ward Farnsworth joined us on Zoom to be interviewed on his books The Socratic Method and The Practicing Stoic and on the topic of applying Stoicism. We also are in the process of organizing an in-person one-day Philadelphia Stoa New Member Orientation.
Our Stoa continues to meet online and pursue our dialogue and learning. But now comes April and the Stoic Month of Service: What can I do? How can I serve Reason, Justice, and all our fellow people? These are natural questions - and humbling ones. But first, I would suggest, it makes a good start simply to be sure to not forget Reason and Justice, and to not confine those principles to one’s own personal or ideological bubble. As would-be-Stoics, we should be calm and diligent and conscious of the power and diversity of the Universe, but be actively modeling virtue to our fellows. A bit of elbow grease wouldn’t hurt, either.
We have been meeting regularly, approximately once a month. The meetings have still been digital, however one of the next meetings will be physical again. We have discussed the Stoic (Cardinal) virtues the last meeting, and have been having good discussions with one insight which is there is not so much original or modern Stoic literature that really defines and delves deep into each of the four. We are looking forward to continuing to meet monthly, and will also be involved in planning a Stoicon-X event as the date gets closer.
We have been meeting Thursdays via zoom almost weekly. We are a small group that has committed to working through Meditations by Marcus Aurelius and are currently on Book 9. Upon a foundation, we will be discussing how to grow the group. There has been a fair share of leadership, participation and sharing of perspective.