Ready to Start a Stoa?

Join a global network with hundreds of other leaders around the world who have started Stoic communities. You'll get resources, insights, and tips on leading a Stoicism group with help from The Stoic Fellowship along the way.

Get Help Starting a Stoa

Have you already started a Stoa? Join the Stoic Fellowship's global network.

Quick Guide to Starting a Stoa

Step One // Find People By:

Step Two // Find a Decent Place to Meet:

Generally noisy places don't work for obvious reasons, and restaurants aren't great, either, since you'll have to chat between food orders. Some places that work for other communities include:

Step Three // What to Do in Your Community:

Our member Stoas do a lot of different things, so there's no one fixed way to run a meeting. There are two general points that do apply to many groups, though:

Here are some ideas for topics or formats to get you started for your first several months:

If you've already started a community, join the Stoic Fellowship's global network and we'll list your group to attract even more members, as well as provide you with guidance along the way.

Get Help Starting a Stoa

Terms and Conditions for Listing Your Group with The Stoic Fellowship

To become a member, you must agree to The Stoic Fellowship's Terms and Conditions

Have more questions? Contact us to let us know! Or, if you've already started a community, become a member of the Stoic Fellowship, and we'll list your group to attract even more members as well as provide you with additional guidance as needed.