Join a global network with hundreds of other leaders around the world who have started Stoic communities. You'll get resources, insights, and tips on leading a Stoicism group with help from The Stoic Fellowship along the way.
Have you already started a Stoa? Join the Stoic Fellowship's global network.
Step One // Build Your Foundation:
Step Two // Find a Decent Place to Meet:
Generally noisy places don't work for obvious reasons, and restaurants
aren't great, either, since you'll have to chat between food orders. Some
places that work for many communities include:
Step Three // What to Do in Your Community:
Our member Stoas do a lot of different things, so there's no one fixed way
to run a meeting. There are two general points that do apply to many
groups, though:
Here are some ideas for topics or formats to get you started for your first several months:
If you've already started a community, submit your request to join our network, and we'll list your group to attract even more members. We'll also connect you to other Stoa facilitators and provide you with guidance along the way.
To become a member, you must agree to The Stoic Fellowship's Terms and Conditions
Have more questions? Contact us to let us know! Or, if you've already started a community, become a member of the Stoic Fellowship, and we'll list your group to attract even more members as well as provide you with additional guidance as needed.
We're ready to help you get started.